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Фотографии семьи, отцы и дети, семейные праздники в нашем каталоге

Для большинства людей семья – самое дорогое, что у них есть в жизни. Родственные связи проходят с нами через года: для наших родителей мы всегда будем маленькими детьми, а наше собственное потомство чаще всего не понимает, как мы можем постоянно о них думать и постоянно волноваться. Красивая фотография семьи – прекрасная память: ее можно поставить в рамку, сделать постер, подарить своим домочадцам на теплый и радостный праздник. Особенно восхищают людей фотографии больших семей: настоящие династии – родители, старшее поколение, многочисленные дети – крепко держатся друг за друга, сохраняют тесную связь, находясь даже в разных городах и странах, на разных континентах. Большая и дружная семья делает фото красивые постоянно: это со временем становится настоящей семейной летописью, которой гордятся и которую показывают потомкам.

Красивая фотография семьи – вы можете разместить ее на нашем хостинге в отличном качестве

Фотографии семьи всегда бережно и трепетно хранятся в альбомах: раньше это были большие, богато украшенные книги, сейчас все больше людей пользуются электронными ресурсами, папками своих ПК и смартфонов. Почему бы не воспользоваться услугами нашего хостинга? У нас вы сможете хранить фотографии в отличном качестве, загружать любое количество снимков в хорошем качестве, предоставлять своим близким быстрый доступ к просмотру буквально одной ссылкой.

В нашем каталоге можно найти и простые фото семьи – повседневные заботы и радости, дружные будни, и праздничные дни, крупные и счастливые события: рождения детей, Дни Рождения и свадьбы, юбилеи и годовщины брака. Для каждого человека дорога его семья: фото, красивые и торжественные либо повседневные и теплые, хранятся с нами долгие-долгие годы и напоминают о лучших моментах нашей жизни.

Sub sections and top tags


Top tags in this section: Family, Семья, teen, Girl, Girls, Daughter, young, bikini, mom, kids, mother, sweet, Cute, дети, sexy, Beach, boy, Sister, wife, ass

album name section visibility modified
102.4 Егор в Крокусе на Олдтаймер-галерее mashinki: 102.4 Егор в Крокусе на Олдтаймер-галерее

69 .ZIP

family 69  1/
+1 0 16 years ago  16 years ago
 0  +1
visibility 1 / 56276
102.2 Егор кормит уток mashinki: 102.2 Егор кормит уток

26 .ZIP

family 26  2/
+3 0 16 years ago  16 years ago
 0  +3
visibility 2 / 53624
102.1 Наша фотосессия для *** mashinki: 102.1 Наша фотосессия для ***

31 .ZIP

family 31  0/
+7 0 16 years ago  16 years ago
 0  +7
visibility 0 / 79879
1 сентября zyffik: 1 сентября

19 .ZIP

family 19  0/
+3 10 16 years ago  16 years ago
 10  +3
visibility 0 / 16275
1 chstas: 1

37 .ZIP

family 37  0/
0 0 17 years ago  17 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 15873
09.07-08_Алексин drli: 09.07-08_Алексин

61 .ZIP

family 61  0/
+1 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +1
visibility 0 / 14249
09.05.2018 mocojopo: 09.05.2018

61 .ZIP

family 61  0/
0 1 6 years ago  6 years ago
 1  0
visibility 0 / 24194
0803 - Лоо 2006: Сочи. cha65: 0803 - Лоо 2006: Сочи.

24 .ZIP

В этот приезд мы были в Сочи дважды. Один раз приезжали на рынок и погуляли по парку "Ривьера", а в другой раз мы прокатились по городу с экскурсией.
family 24  0/
+3 24 6 years ago  6 years ago
 24  +3
visibility 0 / 23171
0802 - Лоо 2006: Наш дворик и окрестности. cha65: 0802 - Лоо 2006: Наш дворик и окрестности.

26 .ZIP

В этом году мы жили в тех же комнатах, что и в прошлом. Родители в большой, рядом с хозяевами и кухней, а я в "морском" номере.
family 26  0/
0 26 6 years ago  6 years ago
 26  0
visibility 0 / 22017
0801 - Лоо 2006: Пляж. cha65: 0801 - Лоо 2006: Пляж.

25 .ZIP

В этом году мы снова поехали вместе с родителями. Снова в Лоо, снова к тем же хозяевам, только на этот раз, на поезде. Это был наш последний дальний выезд на отдых в таком составе. Потом, то дача не позволяла всем вместе уехать, то здоровье… И снова мы были в Лоо в начале сентября. И опять был шторм… В первой половине сентября здесь почти всегда случается шторм. И почти в каждый приезд, я этот шторм заставал. Красиво, конечно, но эти дни отдыха можно считать потерянными: ни искупаться, ни съездить куда-нибудь не получится: купаться опасно, а рассматривать достопримечательности под дождём - удовольствие не из приятных.
family 25  0/
+1 25 6 years ago  6 years ago
 25  +1
visibility 0 / 22274
08.07_Алексин drli: 08.07_Алексин

91 .ZIP

family 91  2/
+4 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +4
visibility 2 / 24794
0703 - Лоо 2005: Сочи. cha65: 0703 - Лоо 2005: Сочи.

13 .ZIP

Короткая вылазка в Сочи.
family 13  0/
+2 13 6 years ago  6 years ago
 13  +2
visibility 0 / 8850
0702 - Лоо 2005: Наш дворик и окрестности. cha65: 0702 - Лоо 2005: Наш дворик и окрестности.

18 .ZIP

Итак, наш двор. Я фотографировал его и раньше, так что рассказывать о нём больше особенно нечего. А вот о том, что случилось с нашей машиной, стоит вспомнить…
family 18  0/
0 18 6 years ago  6 years ago
 18  0
visibility 0 / 9372
0701 - Лоо 2005: Пляж. cha65: 0701 - Лоо 2005: Пляж.

35 .ZIP

В 2005-м году в отпуск поехали вместе с родителями. Опять в Лоо. Мне там действительно нравится, а от добра добра не ищут... Квартирная хозяйка, у которой я останавливался перед этим, пригласила меня приехать снова. И в этот раз мы решили ехать на машине, тем более, что ее можно было поставить во дворе, прямо под окном комнаты, в которой должны были поселиться родители. Мы провели в Лоо вторую декаду сентября. Перед этим проехали 2000 км. и не сделали ни одного снимка. До сих пор не понимаю, как ухитрились забыть про то, что есть фотоаппарат. Пляж Лоо за прошедший год особо не изменился, так что, в основном на фотографиях будем мы - я и мои родители.
family 35  1/
0 28 6 years ago  6 years ago
 28  0
visibility 1 / 31800
102 Niki's mom's visitbill_w_p: 102 Niki's mom's visit

12 .ZIP

A four week visit after 4 years! First with her sister, Barbie, in Temecula and then with us, touring a bit in LA - the Getty art villa, Yogananda meditation center, the beach or just hanging out in Topanga.
family 12  4/
+14 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +14
visibility 4 / 62697
101 Melissa and Adams Weddingbill_w_p: 101 Melissa and Adams Wedding

17 .ZIP

We enjoyed hanging out a few days in Boulder Creek before the wedding. Despite the torturous rain it was a wonderful day and the couple was as happy as can be!
family 17  6/
+11 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +11
visibility 6 / 37657
10.08.2002 - Faconry in Riedenburg, Bavariawosterich: 10.08.2002 - Faconry in Riedenburg, Bavaria

16 .ZIP

Riedenburg - Falknerei
family 16  0/
+2 0 8 years ago  8 years ago
 0  +2
visibility 0 / 11705
10-13loveeeex12: 10-13

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family 21  0/
+147 10 4 years ago  4 years ago
 10  +147
visibility 0 / 118875
1 январяdarvun: 1 января

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family 13  0/
0 0 15 years ago  15 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 13202
1 сентябряbroda: 1 сентября

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family 32  13/
+5 1 15 years ago  15 years ago
 1  +5
visibility 13 / 22005
1yellow_fish: 1

98 .ZIP

tell me what you think.
family 98  8/
+129 12 11 years ago  11 years ago
 12  +129
visibility 8 / 276118
1spakies404: 1

16 .ZIP

Have fun and comments please!
family 16  0/
+35 1 7 years ago  7 years ago
 1  +35
visibility 0 / 78729
1a666: 1

14 .ZIP

family 14  0/
+129 2 14 years ago  14 years ago
 2  +129
visibility 0 / 175806
099 X-mas & New Yearbill_w_p: 099 X-mas & New Year

22 .ZIP

A nice and quiet X-mas at home and a wild and loud 4 days in Las Vegas celebrating into the New Year, escaping the noise for a few hours at the Hoover dam on the first day of 2009.
family 22  0/
0 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 12861
098 Hwy 1 and Carmelbill_w_p: 098 Hwy 1 and Carmel

13 .ZIP

Cold and windy but a beautiful 3 day trip up to Carmel, Monterey Aquarium and back along Hwy 1, by the elephant seal colony coming to breed there every winter.
family 13  0/
+1 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +1
visibility 0 / 9099
096 House picturesbill_w_p: 096 House pictures

23 .ZIP

Our little 'cabana' in the middle of the Eucalyptus trees. Remodeled with all new floors, wall paint, kitchen, bathroom - it feels really cozy at home! Big grass area attached to the main house (nobody lives there), pool house and community pool that mostly we use - a perfect place to visit!
family 23  0/
0 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 10758
094 Overnight tripbill_w_p: 094 Overnight trip

19 .ZIP

A great 2-day trip with the homeschooling crowd living and doing activities from the Indians, Hispanic, Pioneer into the Modern time inventions. It was fun to hang out with the group and get to know them a little better.
family 19  3/
+2 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +2
visibility 3 / 23644
092 European Championshipbill_w_p: 092 European Championship

18 .ZIP

It was a blast being live in Vienna during this great soccer event! A "red-white-red" party with our soccer friends. Viennas Ringstrasse was blocked off for a whole month with huge viewing areas and lots of fun games. The boys with their soccer coaches, who taught them a lot and made the game fun!
family 18  0/
-1 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  -1
visibility 0 / 9548
091 February - May 2008bill_w_p: 091 February - May 2008

14 .ZIP

A little picture collection: Mardi Gras time in Vienna - Benjamin the vampire and Sebastian the cook, does that explain their characters...?! Our darling cat "Matey"- and nephew, Jakob's baptism although it looks like a wedding...?! Crazy weather in Vienna - this ain't gumballs that is hale! A nice trip to a gemstone carving place with my mom.
family 14  5/
+3 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +3
visibility 5 / 11300
090 Benitez visitbill_w_p: 090 Benitez visit

17 .ZIP

Our friends Bonnie and Julie, from San Diego, with their boys Griffin and Phoenix came to visit for 10 days during Easter vacation. We explored Vienna and its many Easter markets and took a day trip by train to Salzburg where the boys enjoyed playing in the snow, being soaked at the end of the day... It was wonderful to have them around for so long and show them around!
family 17  0/
0 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 7973
09.11.2002 Mama und Olga mit Hunden im Gartenwosterich: 09.11.2002 Mama und Olga mit Hunden im Garten

19 .ZIP

family 19  0/
+2 1 8 years ago  8 years ago
 1  +2
visibility 0 / 17612
09.05.2013 - At homewosterich: 09.05.2013 - At home

17 .ZIP

family 17  1/
+6 0 8 years ago  8 years ago
 0  +6
visibility 1 / 22967
089 Tyrol skiing tripbill_w_p: 089 Tyrol skiing trip

16 .ZIP

Robert's 40's b'day on which he came home from a short project in San Diego and got surprised by family and a few friends at the airport! Mid February we spent a week in Tyrol skiing with friends from soccer, Karin, Heinz and Tobias. It was a perfect week: very nice hotel right at the slopes, beautiful wellness area, great company and food, both boys super at snowboarding and not a cloud in the sky for 8 days!!!
family 16  0/
0 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 6301
088 Egypt/Nilecruisebill_w_p: 088 Egypt/Nilecruise

20 .ZIP

A weeks trip with my mom to Egypt was the perfect place to celebrate her 75th birthday she had in November 2007. We had a wonderful time and even met (unplanned) an old friend of hers (Inge) and her daughter (Tina), which made this even more special! We had a few days in Luxor, then on to Assuan, visited the two temples in Abu Simbel, back in Luxor we saw the Hatschepsut Temple and Valley of Kings. A very fascinating culture!
family 20  0/
0 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 10213
087 X-mas holidays ski tripbill_w_p: 087 X-mas holidays ski trip

21 .ZIP

Right after X-mas we took 10 days off skiing. First to Dienten where our friends Christoph and Hemma (from the US) gather their friends almost every year. A fun group of 14 adults and 13 kids! Then on to Fuegen, where Robert grew up as a child during his summer/winter holidays. Then we met up with our friends from Vienna, Christine and Andreas plus 3 kids, and enjoyed another few days on the slopes.
family 21  0/
0 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 10264
086 Egyptbill_w_p: 086 Egypt

20 .ZIP

A week of family vacation with sun, beach, wind and sea - perfect for the Schmids! Sebastian got to learn wind surfing, Robert didn't have enough wind but we all still had great fun! Meeting another Viennese family, played a lot of pool and enjoyed the friendly Egyptians. In the meanwhile the new family member "Jakob" was born - the boys are proud to have a baby cousin!
family 20  0/
+2 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +2
visibility 0 / 12201
085 Austria 2bill_w_p: 085 Austria 2

18 .ZIP

A weekend with just Sebastian in Tyrol and Munich - our friend Ralfi with son Alex, my sister Ines with her boys - delicious meals by kiddy chefs, Benjamin monkey, Matey the scarf and Benjamin's b'day bowling party.
family 18  3/
+5 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +5
visibility 3 / 10962
084 Austria 1bill_w_p: 084 Austria 1

19 .ZIP

A weekend hiking in Upper Austria, Melissa and Adam's stay in Vienna with us, at Elli and Werner's lake house in Carinthia with a visit of our friends Nina, Ritchie and their boys, Benjamin's 8th b'day and a visit at my mother-in-law's.
family 19  0/
+1 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +1
visibility 0 / 11481
083 Tooms visitbill_w_p: 083 Tooms visit

26 .ZIP

What a wonderful reuni0n with our Australian friends Fiona, Graham, Ella and Oscar after 4 years! First a get-together in London and then a week their visit to Vienna exploring, hiking and cherishing every moment.
family 26  0/
+4 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +4
visibility 0 / 8152
082 Francebill_w_p: 082 France

23 .ZIP

A 5 day trip to LR a historic marina city at the Atlantic coast. Meeting with the single-handed Bruce Schwab (next to Robert), exploring museums, aquarium and the cute island Ile de Re watching the fantastic concept of spring tide. A visit to the Eiffel tower topped the weekend!
family 23  0/
+2 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +2
visibility 0 / 7074
080 Austria - Jan-Feb 2007bill_w_p: 080 Austria - Jan-Feb 2007

14 .ZIP

Our visit to Villach with Nina and Ritchie, a few winter activities with very little snow, Fasching "Mardi Gras" time in Vienna, the boys classes/teachers and the two proud owners of new bikes. Do you think Matey knows she is a cat?
family 14  0/
+1 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +1
visibility 0 / 12996
079 Vienna - X-mas and New Yearsbill_w_p: 079 Vienna - X-mas and New Years

19 .ZIP

A welcome with Sachercake, family Christmas photos and pictures of our New Years visit with Hemma and Christoph in Salzburg - it snowed like crazy on our departure day!
family 19  0/
+9 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +9
visibility 0 / 7198
078 Vienna - Bonnie's visitbill_w_p: 078 Vienna - Bonnie's visit

25 .ZIP

A few shots from Bonnie's visit and some sightseeing pictures - like Vienna, well come and visit!
family 25  0/
0 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  0
visibility 0 / 9903
077 New Zealandbill_w_p: 077 New Zealand

31 .ZIP

We only had 3 weeks in Opua, a quaint, small village and spend much of our time packing up Lawur - what a job! We did manage to see the oldest county fair enjoying all kinds of contest (NZ has 60 mill. sheep and only 4 mill. people!). Our day with the circus artists Carol and Freddie Osler-Weppenaar was absolutely fantastic! Everybody had fun on the trapez, slides, as well as all the other attractions they have to offer at their Adventure Park. The boys got a taste of school for a week while we packed.
family 31  0/
+2 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +2
visibility 0 / 10773
076 Tonga socialbill_w_p: 076 Tonga social

28 .ZIP

The last island group in the South Pacific and a great place to catch up with many of our friends enjoying snorkeling, diving, dinghy races, hikes and many beach potlucks with bonfires. Robert and Sebastian did a cart tour around Neiafu and the boys got their first taste of Kava, a local brew made of pepper root. Frank joined us for a few weeks enjoying cruising life. On our last night in Tonga we partied in time for Halloween with carved pumpkins, eye ball punch, candy - the grown ups had dart and dance.
family 28  7/
+7 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +7
visibility 7 / 19732
075 Tonga culturalbill_w_p: 075 Tonga cultural

30 .ZIP

Our 5 weeks in the Va'vau group we spent in Neiafu, the main town, and exploring many of the beautiful anchorages, all close by. We enjoyed many of the cultural events, locals wearing their traditional clothes "Valas" in honor of the late King, who died a few weeks before our arrival. During our delicious Tongan feast some local kids performed traditional dances while we sat on the floor eating wonderful dishes. An unexpected stop at Kelefisia island in the Hapaii group was definitely one of our highlights.
family 30  0/
+2 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +2
visibility 0 / 14337
074 Niue Islandbill_w_p: 074 Niue Island

30 .ZIP

A spectacular place, even though we got a bit bounced around in the beginning by bad weather we thoroughly enjoyed our one week stay in Niue. We hiked a few days and explored all kinds of different caves...
family 30  0/
+1 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +1
visibility 0 / 14016
073 Palmerston Atollbill_w_p: 073 Palmerston Atoll

24 .ZIP

We were only a few days in Palmerston, enough to get none or some insight to this unique island and family living... Upon our arrival the supply ship came in, which only happens every 3-5 months, luck?! With everyboyd busy unloading it took us a day to get on shore, but then we got to explore - the original house of William Marsters, the cemetery with all the "Marsters", Palmerston Lucky School, and more.
family 24  9/
+8 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +8
visibility 9 / 32236
072 Three Society Islandsbill_w_p: 072 Three Society Islands

15 .ZIP

We spent 3 weeks exploring these 3 islands, unfortunately the weather was pretty lousy which kept us from taking a lot of pictures. We explored the botanical gardens in Rai'atea, the boys had fun skurfing and Ta'aha and in Bora Bora we waited for a good weather window to leave for the next passage.
family 15  8/
+3 0 13 years ago  13 years ago
 0  +3
visibility 8 / 8767
071 Tahiti coastbill_w_p: 071 Tahiti coast

15 .ZIP

We took 5 days and stayed in two different anchorages. The first one right off the botanical garden together with some fellow cruising boats "New Dawn", "Cheers", "Kauila" and "Van Diemen". We enjoyed a couple of fun potluck nights as well as a trip to the Museum de Tahiti and Botianical Gardens. In Teahupoo we hoped to see some great surfers but the wind got in the way... too bad. We had fun on Benjamin's birthday playing his new boccia game, letting Laura's paper gliders fly and eating Sachertorte!
family 15  0/
+3 0 12 years ago  12 years ago
 0  +3
visibility 0 / 9954
Albums shown: 50 / 3583 1331 0

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