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About iMGSRC.RU Badges

Most badges are pretty easy to obtain but some are really rare and you must be truly dedicated to iMGSRC.RU to get them.


"New" badge will probably be your first award to get on iMGSRC.RU. Awarded when you post your first album with 12+ photo.

100 Photo

The badge is awarded when you upload 100 photos to your albums.


Got this badge? Cool, consider yourself a celebrity now as this badge comes to your profile when your albums receive 100 comments from other people.


This is a rare badge for those whose work was put on iMGSRC.RU front page.


We really like devoted people and this badge is to show our appreciation to long-time users who put lots of good photos.

Greatest Victory

This is to celebrate the Great Victory Day which marks the capitulation of Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union in the Second World War on May, 7, 1945.

Top Secret

Here comes another badge you don't want to show up in your profile. This one is awarded manually to users who password protect most of their albums with passwords without a reason. iMGSRC.RU is sharing site and not a trading one so we do not encourage such behavior.


This is the number one in a serie of badges to encourage people to put good photos in good sections.


This badge is to encourage all cyclist among our users. This is rare.


This badge is to support active sports. This is rare.


This is an exclusive badge for those supporting us on boosty.to. Huge Thank You!


This is one badge you never want to get, because this is the last thing your acccount could be awarded. This is a lable for all those who can't read or understand our house rules. And for most of such there will be the first and only badge to get.

Early Adopter 2006 (retired)

This is a super rear badge only available to people registered in 2006, our first year of operation. Only few people hold this in their inventory and this number will never go up.

Early Adopter 2007 (retired)

Just like the Early Adopter 2006 badge this one is for a limited number of people joined iMGSRC.RU in 2007.

St. Patrick Day 2012 (retired)

Join us at celebrating St. Patrick's Day! Anyone uploading an album during the St. Patrick's 2012 weekend, march 16-19, will get an unique badge from iMGSRC.RU, so hurry up and celebrate well! :)

Easter2012 (retired)

Happy Easter 2012

Ny 2013 (retired)

Happy New Year 2013! Best of luck to everyone and your families! :) WOOHOO!

Halloween 2013 (retired)

Happy Halloween everyone! Here's a small gift from iMGSRC.RU team. BOOOOOO! :)

Ny 2014 (retired)

HoHoHo, Happy new Year everyone! Please accept out warmest season greatings and this badge as small gift of apriciation.

Sochi 2014 (retired)

Olympic Games in Sochi 2014

Happy 2015 (retired)

Happy new year! Please accept our best wishes for 2015!

Happy 2016 (retired)

Please accept our best wishes for a New Year 2016! Live long and prosper!

Patreon (retired)

This is an exclusive badge for those supporting us on Patreon. Huge Thank You!