
collegeguy75 / albums and photos of collection, holiday, travel and more

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Real name:B C Anselmo
Birthday: 1975-07-21
Joined on:2015-04-19
User info:A college student willing to share memories of college and hobbies.

New100 PhotoMexicaHappy 2016

Tagged under travel , school , Abbey , Easter , 9-11, 9/11, autumn, Christmas, coffeeshop, Conception, day, fair, fall, festival, Fourth of July, funeral, Halloween, Holiday, Holidays, Independance Day, karaoke, line, lines, me, Monks, peeing, pool, religion, religious, road, road trip, season, seasons, seminary, September 11, spring, summer, sun, sunrise, sunset, talent, teacher, teaching, theatre, trip, vacation, winter, work, show all albums.

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T-Moble UploadsT-Moble Uploads

375 .ZIP

Every single picture taken from my phone from T-Mobile. Arranged in no particular order, saving them here as the T-Mobile website is shutting down. Sorry it is not high quality, but then again it is an old phone, and hence obsolete, which is why the site is shutting down. Feel free to comment.
collection 375  17/
+362 2 8 years ago  8 years ago
 2  +362
visibility 17 / 109064
Albums shown: 1 375 17/ 109064
visibility 17/ 109064